Saturday, October 29, 2011


October seems to have come and gone so fast!  Work has been extremely busy and has made keeping up with classes a bit challenging.  I need to somehow find a way to manage my time better.  I'm not making enough time to rehearse and get the most out of this amazing experience.  It's been taking a bit of a toll on me.  I'm struggling a bit with being truly affected with emotions like anger, etc.  I'm realizing it's because I'm so used to being rational, assessing crazy situations and fixing them.  For example:  I saw a guy get hit by a car while driving bbefore I moved here.  I was the first person on the scene.  I pulled over, took a deep breath, walked towards him to see if I could do anything and called 911.  I couldn't do anything because he was too mangled and couldn't be moved.  A few moments later a couple pulled over and the girl started screaming, crying and running with reckless abandon through the street.  I need to let myself experience things more like that crazy girl.:)  My acting instructor recommended that all of us go to therapy.  I called 10-12 therapists, but none of them are taking new patients.  That was rejecting and would make good comedy.

I'm getting ready for work and was expecting it to rain today.  However, it's snowing!!!  My first snow day since moving here has arrived too soon!!

 Mom, thanks for this really warm comforter!
 There's an I Love Lucy Museum!
 Wow, even the trash cans have a cause!
 This is the ridiculous line at Trader Joe's to pay for groceries!  There were about 50 people in line and that's normal!  I haven't seen any self serve lines at grocery stores. Or Vegas prices.:(
 Thinking of my brother.  I want to eat here with my brother and Mom.

 This is a mannequin in a window near my apartment.  Hmm...
 View from Starbucks in the Trump Towers.  This is one of the locations I feel most at home.  Being in the Trump Towers feels like being in a beautiful casino like the Bellagio.
  My brother Angelo always says 'human' and this made me think of him.
 FAO Shwarz disappeared from Vegas, but it's in NYC.
 Walking to the subaway near work.
 It was supposed to rain today, but this is snow!!

Friday, October 14, 2011

The Past 2 Weeks

Wow, I can't believe it's been 2 weeks since my last post!  Time is flying by here!  Work has been busy.  I work on 5th Avenue.  5th Avenue is a beautiful and busy street.  It isn't as busy as Time Square, but the foot traffic is comparable to the Las Vegas Strip.  It will be amazing to see during the holidays!  There seems to be a parade there almost every weekend!  There was a parade on 5th Avenue 3 days in a row for Columbus Day.  Lots of parade floats, but mostly people just walking on the street that were part of the parade.  5th Avenue had barricades and was closed to traffic for about half of the day.  Pedestrians couldn't cross the street to get to my store during that time.  They had to walk 4 or 5 streets over and go a different way.  I learned the last time we had a parade that I need to walk a different way.  Lucky for me a police officer let me run through the parade a few weeks ago so I could get to work on time.  I ran right between the military and I think some dancers.:)

I get an hour for my lunch break.  I'm not used to it, but it's been nice.  I usually read and eat my lunch that I bring from home.  It's so much cheaper than eating out.  I take a walk outside sometimes.  I walked past Jay Mohr on my lunch break last week.  He's a comedian and was also on the Ghost Whisperer and Last Comic Standing.  It's really cool that no one really cares about celebrities out here.  Or from what I can tell, being superficial.  I haven't seen one pair of fake boobs, fake blond hair or acrylic nails!!  I got a pedicure and manicure for $19.99 last week.  (That's $15-$20 cheaper than Vegas.)  There were about 20 manicure stations which is ridiculously big for a nail salon.  I noticed that no one had acrylic nails and they didn't have the supplies set up for it.  I asked my nail tech if they did acrylic nails and she didn't even know what I was talking about!!  I'm not in Vegas anymore.

I went to an open mic last week with a friend that used to be in the Short Bus Comics Show with me.  It was good to get out and see and meet other comedians.  It was fun, but New York definitely has a different style.  It will make me a stronger comedian.

School has been exhausting and rewarding too.  My Voice and Speech teacher is incredible.  Our text book is a book that she wrote.  It's a very popular book that's offered on Amazon, etc.  Movement class was fun today.  We somehow ended up dancing to some 80's and 90's music and my very bad dancing wasn't so bad in the dim lighting with everyone else dancing.  Wait, that sounds like how it goes down in a club...  Anyhow, it was so much fun and movement is my favorite class.  Acting class continues to be challenging, but I'm making progress and learning a lot.  My instructor said if we are well rested, we aren't learning enough and getting our money's worth.  She said that we should be tired for the next 2 years and not have much of a social life.  I see where she's coming from.  I work 40 hours a week, my commute can take an hour each way depending on the time of day and walking, I have classes 6 times a week and meet with my acting partner to rehearse 2 times a week.  I don't have any days off with nothing scheduled.  I've been making it work though.  I even found time to go to happy hour with some classmates this week.  A few of them weren't old enough to go though!  I'm one of the older students.  I'm impressed that the younger students were able to figure out what they wanted to do so early in life and go for it!  They may be younger and capable of getting younger roles than me, but I feel like I've lived 5 different lives!  I wouldn't change my background because it makes me who I am and I have so many life experiences to appreciate and pull from.

Have a great weekend!


Saturday, October 1, 2011

Movement Class & Equinox

Yesterday was the last day of Rosh Hashanah, so a lot of Jewish people have a 4 or 5 day weekend.  Kids were off of school yesterday and there were so many people out and about in my neighborhood.  It's kind of busy on Sunday, but this was the busiest I've seen it.  One of the reasons I like my neighborhood so much is because it's not as crazy busy as other areas like Midtown where school and work are.

My acting teacher is Jewish, so we didn't have class yesterday.  I had Voice and Speech and Movement class.  My Voice and Speech teacher is really sweet and says the cutest things.  My Movement class is taught by 2 different instructors and they split the days.  There's a lot of laying on the floor in both of these classes.  I haven't been on the floor this much in my life.  Both of these classes require a lot of partner work and since the class rooms are small and we have 15-18 people in a class, we are pretty close on the floor.  It's kind of funny.  I've also noticed that every person in my classes is beautiful.  If you want to be around beautiful people all the time, go to an acting studio.:)

In movement class, we lay down for 10 minutes on the floor when class starts.  The lights are dimmed and there's no sound.  We just have our thoughts.  The instructor then comes in and turns on some great music and says things to inspire us and get us thinking.  He has us roll from side to side, etc.  He actually had us do full rolls while our eyes were closed and people were rolling on top of each other.  I was a human speed bump at one point.  Remember, I said everyone is just beautiful and I didn't mind being a speed bump for some of the guys.:)  Then we had to sit in front of our partner and 'receive' them.  It's basically staring, but we don't call it that.  The guy I had the exercise with had to stare back at me for 10 minutes while we said, 'You' back and forth.  It was something else, because we kind of knew what the other person was thinking.

A few classes ago my partner and I had to hold our hands on each other's diaphragms and close our eyes and feel each other breathing.  Then, we had to recite each other's names to each other.  These exercises sound strange, but they really bring you closer and more comfortable to the other person.  The Voice and Speech and Movement classes work on our breathing and moving more easily and gracefully.  We are supposed to use these breathing exercises and other exercises to prepare for when we act.  It really makes sense to me because of the stretching I had to do in sports and the practices too.

After our Voice and Speech exercises, we can speak so much clearer and it makes an amazing difference.  I'm really enjoying these classes.  I just have to make sure I don't fall asleep while I'm on the floor with my eyes closed for 20 minutes.:)

I went to the gym this morning and it was the busiest I've seen it since it's Saturday.  I've already noticed that New Yorkers don't care about how they look, etc as much as Las Vegans do.  I've noticed this out and about and at the gym.  The locker room should say, 'Remove your clothes to enter,' because everyone seems to be naked in the locker room.  A lot of people walk around naked and shower at the gym in NY.  That's not as common in Vegas.  I love going in the steam room and it has the most rich eucalyptus smell.  I wear my bathing suit and take at towel when I go in there.  There's usually a few naked chicks when I go in.  Today I walked in and a lady was stretching at the entrance and I saw all of her naked rear bits.  Not what I wanted to see, but glad she's that comfortable.

I've been walking around the locker room with clothes on as much as possible or a towel.  I guess I know I've gone to the dark side when I decide to go without the towel or it accidentally falls to the ground.

Better get ready for work.


PS:  Just read an article about Ryan Gosling and how he helped stop a NYC street fight.  He said something about the Notebook guy showed up and it got weird and it helped stop the fight.:)